Behind The Chaps: Miss Rodeo North Dakota

I met Ron DeTienne with Haybelly Leather out of Wheatland, ND in 2011. I knew that Ron would be the first person I’d call to make my Miss Rodeo North Dakota chaps someday.

“Old school cool” I told Ron. I wanted to embody old cowboy traditions by showcasing a genuine working pair of batwing chaps. They were to tell a story of the western way of life, but without glitz and glam. I thought long on what I loved about North Dakota and narrowed it down to 3 things; her native wildflowers, vast agriculture, and ranch brands – there are more than 21,000. The font style is an exact match to that of the iconic Miss Rodeo North Dakota crown, tying in the 68 years of rodeo queen tradition.

The belt proudly displays, Isaiah 40:31, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles.” This journey as Miss Rodeo North Dakota has let me spread my wings and soar like an eagle.

For the full story behind my chaps’ creation, and to see what I’ve been up to, visit

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